Hi there! Thank you so much for stopping by
My name is Rebekah and during the week, I am a full-time corporate world woman, but on nights and weekends when I’m not spending time with loved ones, I make streamers!
Making streamers started off as a happy accident after having to recycle previous party decorations for my daughter’s birthday—since we had to cancel her party that had been planned for months due to COVID-19. It eventually turned into something fun to do to make quarantine more colorful and the dark days a little brighter. Just like the rest of the world, our family was experiencing things that made us feel defeated at times. That said, it was the loss of my grandmother that truly kicked this whole stream thing into overdrive, like the saying goes, “In darkness, there is always light.” So I started to create things that I knew my late grandmother would appreciate if she were around, as she was always known to take parties to another level with her flamboyant, yet charming style. But ultimately, my inspiration and drive stems from both of my grandmother’s, who without a doubt passed their love for all things colorful and unique down to me. In addition to that, I wanted to bring something to San Antonio that didn’t exist until now—which is streamer installations on a large scale! After all, we are known as the city of Fiestas!